Kampong Kapor Methodist Church had humble beginnings: it started in 1890, in a study room of the Deaconess Home in Sophia Room; there were barely 30people in the meeting. Later on, in January 1984, it moved to ‘The Christian Institute’ at 155 Middle Road to function as a full-fledged church. The first Malay Quarterly Conference was formed, and its first presiding elder was Reverend RW Munson; Malay was the main language of communication. Eventually, church membership outgrew the building at Middle Road and a new church was erected at Kampong Kapor Road in 1930 with the name ‘The Straits Chinese MethodistChurch (Bickley Memorial) – a reflection of the largely Chinese congregation andsignificant amount of donation made by Bishop Bickley. The name ‘Kampong Kapor Methodist Church’ was made official in 1957, and they celebrated their 100th anniversary in January 1994.
Today, Kampong Kapor Methodist Church is a family church, made up of approximately 1000 members. The Pastor-in-charge is ReverendKenneth Huang. There are other activities carried out onother days of the week, such as fellowship events or bible study sessions. The church is a multi-lingual and multi-racial community, accepting anyone who would want to join in. They have 6 services every sunday, 3 in English, and the other 3 in Mandarin, in Peranakan and in Tamil.
Its current location now is 1Kapong Kapor Raod.