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Welcome to the ACSG50 Project!

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Embark on an exciting trail discovering Little India, an area around one of the oldest settlements in Singapore through the eyes of

a Singaporean today.

Occupying an area that was originally set aside by the British to house Indian labourers, Little India remains a focal point for Indian culture and heritage in Singapore. This area is highly symbolic for Singapore’s history and heritage for many reasons. It showcases the indomitable spirit of our forefathers who have built the country through hard work, sweat and tears. It also highlights the rich ethnic and religious diversity present in what may be assumed to be a predominantly Indian enclave – reflecting Singapore’s multi-cultural identity.

The Bukit Timah area, which Little India is a part of, is also closely aligned to the history of Anglo-Chinese School (Barker Road). Through an understanding of our neighbourhood, we also hope to develop a keener appreciation of our school.

During the 2-2.5 hour trail, participants will be guided by our Sec 2-3 students who are Character and Citizenship Education (CCE) Ambassadors, with the help of a customized trail app. Using the app, participants can look forward to learning more about Little India today and in the past through Augmented Reality experiences and app-based game

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